Special Services Central Office Staff
Director of Special Services: Dr. Alexis Piombino
Secretary to the Director: Joann Russo
Offices are located in the Board of Education Building
20 School Avenue, East Hanover, NJ. 07936
Contact #: 973-887-2112 x 127
Fax #: 973-887-8478
Referral Requests and Child Find
Department of Special Services
Mission Statement
The district’s comprehensive programs provide students, who have special needs, a full range of personnel, program and placement options including access to the general curriculum. The program options offer each student the opportunity to achieve his/her fullest potential in the least restrictive environment.
“New Jersey’s Special Needs Registry for Disasters” allows NJ residents with access and functional needs and their families, friends and associates an opportunity to provide information to emergency response agencies, so emergency responders can better plan to serve them in a disaster or other emergency. The information collected here is confidential and will not be available to the public. The information will be held securely and only used for emergency response and planning. :Special Needs Registry-click here
New Jersey Young Athletes Program: http://www.sonj.org/young-athletes.html
New Jersey Parent Link: The Early Childhood, Parents and Professional Resource Center: http://www.nj.gov/njparentlink/how/promotion.html
Please visit The National Disability Institute website for information on how to build a better economic future for people with disabilities and their families. Ongoing webinars are available. http://realeconomicimpact.org/events/
Autism eye free digital newsletter https://www.autismeye.com/subscribe/
Council for Exceptional Children by Council for Exceptional Children Year Published: monthly editions
The Council for Exceptional Children provides information and suggestions for working with children having learning differences. Council for Exceptional Children Magazine
Helpful Links
Additional Resources for Parents
New Jersey Department of Education Resources
New Jersey Parental Rights in Special Education
New Jersey Special Education Code
New Jersey Department of Education-Special Education Resources
Other Resources
Referral Requests and Child Find
NJ 6A:141.2(b)18 of the New Jersey Administrative Code requires that the East Hanover Township Schools adopt a policy concerning the acceptance of electronic mail requests from parents/guardians regarding referral, identification, evaluation, classification, and the provision of a free, appropriate public education. Given that electronic mail does not guarantee authenticity of a submission from the legal guardian of a student, the Department of Special Services will continue to only accept requests with the original signature of a parent/guardian. Requests must continue to include the name of the student and parent/guardian, a mailing address, and telephone number and can be submitted to the Director of Special Services, 20 School Avenue, East Hanover, New Jersey 07936.
The Special Services Department of the East Hanover Township Schools, in compliance with Project Child Find, conducts evaluations, if warranted, for those children/students who may have learning problems in the areas of cognition, communication, social/emotional and motor functioning. The evaluations are available to preschool children aged 3-5, to school aged children 6-14, to highly mobile students such as migrant and homeless students, and to students who may have a disability although they are advancing from grade to grade. Children/ students who are found eligible for special education and related services are entitled to a free and appropriate special education program.
For more information on Project Child Find, contact the East Hanover Department of Special Services at: 973-887-2112-x 127
The New Jersey Department of Education also has information on their website regarding Child Find at https://www.nj.gov/health/fhs/eis/public-reporting/child-find/