Central Elementary School
Central Elementary School’s Character Education Program, R.O.A.R., has taken off! R.O.A.R. stands for Respect, Organization, Attitude and Responsibility. Each month, Ms. Guenther, Guidance Counselor, will visit our 3rd, 4th and 5th grade classrooms for a 40 minute R.O.A.R. lesson. Lessons originate from our newly adopted Bully Free Program written by Allan Beane, Ph.D. and Linda Beane. Topics include bullying, empathy, friendship, dealing with anger, and acts of kindness. We kicked off the program by examining the meaning of friendship -- what makes a person a good friend and how to be a good friend. Students worked in groups to brainstorm “friendship boosters” and “friendship busters”. The 5th grade lesson also included the theme of empathy and how one would want to be treated if they were to walk into Central School as a new student.